VS Code Extensions, which I use as a Computer Science Student
I am a MERN Developer, a Competitive Programmer, and an Operating System Enthusiast. VS Code is one of the most used Editor cum IDE in my day-to-day work. I pretty much try to use VS Code as much as possible.

VS Code has a wide range of extensions that allow us to do all sorts of things in different domains. Here is my list of VS Code extensions that I use every day.
1. Monokai Pro

This is my fav theme, I have been using this theme for a very long time now. I love the contrasting pop color highlights with the not-so-dark background.
2. ES7 Snippet pack

This is the must-have extension for me as a Javascript & React Developer. This helps in code completion and provides handy snippets and syntax highlighting.
3. Auto Close Tag

This Extension adds the closing tags for HTML/XML/JSX. This is quite useful because it reduces the stress of typing the closing tag as well every time.
4. Auto Rename Tag

This extension is a lifesaver for me. Because I always mess things up while choosing a JSX tag and later I want to use a different tag. By this, I can simply rename the starting tag and it will rename the ending tag or vice-versa.
5. Competitive Programmer Helper

This extension allows us to have input and output setup for programming question test cases. This can also help in gathering the test cases from CodeChef if you also have the chrome extension of this.
6. File Size

Often we come across scenarios in development, where we would like to restrict our build size. For this, we would like to know the size of the file we are working on. This extension helps with that.
7. Import Cost

This extension shows the size of the package that we are importing. Very often in web development, we require to import packages, and sometimes when we overdo this our build size may exceed our expectations.

8. Github Copilot

This extension can sometimes give so accurate suggestions, that it can solve the bug that we might have been facing. This is sometimes a lifesaver when we get stuck somewhere.
9. Material Icon Theme

This is my favorite icon pack. I love the edgy & flat icons for different file types.
10. Path Intellisense

This extension helps in accurately suggesting the path while we are importing files or assets.
11. Colorize

This extension gives a highlight color to the CSS colors. For example red in CSS, it will be highlighted with red color. So, it becomes a very useful tool to know the color from the hex code or RGB itself.

12. Code Runner

This extension is like a play button for various programming languages. We need to have the corresponding compiler installed on our computer and then when we hit the play button in the program file, it will compile & run for us.
So, that's all in my list of extensions which I use almost every day. If you are having some exciting extensions as well , let everyone know in the comments.
See ya soon!